Your new journey, Adventures by AVAXRealms.

Disclaimer; Development is a fluid process, we have a robust vision for AVAXRealms and a fast-paced development cadence. Anything shared in this article is subject to change. While we are sharing the base ideas of Adventures here in this article, there is more to be shared in the future — we are trying our best to create something awesome for you ⚔️

TL;DR Available at the end.

Our first major release after Plunder is almost here, it’s called Adventures and it will be awesome.

Adventures will essentially be an entirely on-chain RPG Adventurer management game with adventures, adventurers, dungeons, an ERC-20 gold token and special events.

Adventures is a fork of Rarity with some significant changes and upgrades on both the back end in terms of modularity and the front end in terms of features enjoyed by players. This project is a huge step forward in our ultimate goal, which is to create a set of on-chain RPG experiences that interact with each other. We want these games/tools to be expanded upon in future releases and also by the community.

Same structure as our Plots article, let’s go through each aspect one by one.

If you’ve played Rarity on Fantom before, much of this will be familiar so feel free to skip ahead to Major Additions.

Would you believe it, Adventures are the core mechanic of Adventures!

An Adventure is a simple task your Adventurer performs that grants them experience and is doable each time your Adventurer is off cooldown.

Your adventurer requires daily training, this way they can increase their XP without risking their hide. Slow, but consistent and ensured growth.

Grizzly Kyriakos with AVAXRealms Adventurer overlay.
Average Adventures enjoyer.

Obviously you’ll need someone to send off on these Adventures, you can’t get into the blockchain yourself (yet… 😳).

Adventurers are completely free to mint (besides gas fees) and are at the core of everything you’ll be doing. As mentioned above, each Adventurer has a cooldown period which is currently set to 3 hours. This cooldown timer is not fixed, we can make it so certain dungeons have a lower cooldown or add items that can reset the timer (great for events!).

Each Adventurer has 6 ‘attributes’, which are as follows;

  • Strength
  • Dexterity
  • Constitution
  • Intelligence
  • Wisdom
  • Charisma

These attributes will determine your Adventurers success in future Dungeons. You start with 32 points to freely distribute across your attributes.

Adventurers earn experience by completing Adventures and Dungeons and in turn can level up after reaching the required experience.

This is where we really get to experiment. We’ve revamped how Dungeons work fundamentally in comparison to Rarity, making them more modular and customisable.

In Adventures, each Dungeon is its own contract rather than being another function.

This means we have the capacity to be more modular and extensible.

We’ve got a handful of implementation techniques and mechanics we’re investigating right now. These will make dungeons much more interactive and dynamic than what you see on Rarity.

What ever could this be hinting at? 🤔

Some of our ideas for future complex dungeons include a casino-style high risk high reward dungeon with an RGLD entry fee.

Another is seasonal events, you may know of a particularly big one approaching…


With Adventures being such a big part of AVAXRealms, we see Dungeon development being a continuous effort and we are sure we’ll get good at interesting dungeon designs with practice.

We cannot stress the modularity enough, it provides us with unparalleled extensibility and the ability to realize some pretty far-out mechanics!

These tools are are freely available. So the community is free to create their own experiences as well.

We will be opening up user suggestions for dungeons also to drive some community engagement and get everyone involved.

The first available dungeon on release is called Snowbridge, it’ll grant more XP and also grant you RGLD, which Adventuring does not.

The trade-off between adventuring and dungeons is that while a dungeon gives you more rewards, it is often more intensive to calculate on the blockchain, so the gas fees are higher than regular Adventuring. This trade-off is up to the player.

Items / Crafting.
Crafting as you know it from Rarity is currently not available in Adventures. This is for two reasons;

  • We wish to create a new crafting system that extends beyond a universal crafting material.
  • The modularity we’ve added allows us to distribute items without crafting and even have more interesting items that grant power-ups/bonuses outside of attribute increases.

Plunder was originally supposed to have rings and waist items but we had to drop them at the last minute due to contract sizes. It has always been the plan to reintroduce them outside of Plunder, and Adventures is the perfect spot to do this. We’ll be introducing them in a way outside of crafting that still benefits Adventures players.

Other non-equipment items are also able to be introduced as dungeon rewards, purchases, etc that will reset cooldowns, add temporary attribute boosts, etc.

Major Additions

Plunder Attach Bonus.
Our existing product, Plunder, ties in with Adventures in a significant way. Each Adventurer has the capacity to have 1 Plunder attached to it, which will grant attribute bonuses.

Although Plunders have rarity rankings, which you can view in the Discord, it’s not guaranteed that rarest = strongest.

You can determine the bonus the Plunder grants just by looking at it!

Weapons will provide Strength bonus, Armor provides Dexterity bonus but in varying amounts depending on the rarity of the item.

  • Item with “of” +1
  • Item with prefix, +2
  • Item with “+1”, +4

All attributes also receive +1 from attaching a Plunder, so even if you lack any rare items it’s still worth attaching! Which is also great for your other stats too.

So as an example, here is Plunder #155.

Plunder number 155
Plunder #155

This would receive the following bonuses:
+8 Strength
+8 Dexterity
+1 Constitution
+1 Intelligence
+1 Wisdom
+1 Charisma

You can see that rare Pick comes in handy.

The reason the specific bonus is to just Strength and Dexterity is due to technical limitations, the gas limit of Avalanche contracts can be restrictive. But that’s why we added a +1 to all stats for attaching, and since the rest of Adventures is so modular we can account for this in the future in balancing and features. It’s not a bug, it’s a feature™️.

Chad Patrick Bateman with Plunder AVAXRealms overlay.b
Average Plunder enjoyer.

RealmGold (RGLD).
Adventures has its own gold token, RealmGold.

Considering the interactions we wish to build between different AVAXRealms products, we felt it was necessary to make gold it’s own ERC-20 token, rather than just a figure inside of the game. This way we can allow users to earn RGLD in Adventures and be able to spend it both inside Adventures and elsewhere.

Currently you’ll earn RGLD when levelling an adventurer or on each completion of the Snowbridge dungeon.

We’re weary that adventurers are free to mint, and therefore RGLD is subject to botting or supply inflation. This will be combatted in two ways;

  • The cost of adventuring/going on dungeons will add up. We don’t believe there will be enough of an economic incentive to consistently bot these transactions due to gas fees.
  • We will reduce supply through RGLD sinks like events, dungeon entry fees and ecosystem interactions. Since it’s a regular ERC-20 token, we can make other AVAXRealms products use it.

We’ll do our best to fight the downsides of making RGLD it’s own token, but the potential it brings is worth it.

Being able to assign a real-world value to our in-game assets means we will get more invested players contributing to the ecosystem, be able to quantify the impact of our actions and even introduce Play-to-Earn aspects.

Adventures is a fork of Rarity with significant upgrades to the modularity of its mechanics. We’ll be introducing interesting dungeons, seasonal events and creative economic incentives to control RGLD emissions and supply. Plunder holders will be able to attach their Plunder NFT to individual adventurers to boost their attributes.

Thank you for reading!

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or come hang out in the Discord.

What is AVAXRealms?

If you’ve stumbled across this article out of nowhere, you might be wondering what AVAXRealms is. So here’s the gist;

It started with Plunder, which are equipment lists stored on-chain for all to use. This isn’t a new idea but, we wanted to expand upon them ourselves and create our own ecosystem as we consistently saw equipment list projects mint out, then end up directionless.

We’re now describing ourselves as a “set of on-chain RPG experiences”, and we’re deep into the process of proving that 💪.

So Plunder was the first development in AVAXRealms, Plots and Adventures are being worked on concurrently with more in the pipeline.

If you’d like to keep up with AVAXRealms development be sure to;

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AVAXRealms - Decentralized RPG Gaming

Decentralized gaming powered by NFTs 💪 Based on the Avalanche network, low cost, high speed.